Our Mailing address is changing, please call one of the club contacts to find out where to send any correspondence


Next Meetings @ 7:30-- Oyster Bay Rec Center (open to new members)

                                                                April 10th, May 8th, June 12th

          Annual Morgan Park Waterfront Car show on June 29th 2025 !!!



The GOLD COAST CRUISERS, INC., was incorporated as a "not for profit" corporation in 1997. We are a group of auto enthusiasts whose love of automobiles brought us together to pursue all aspects of this hobby. We welcome all vehicles. Monthly meetings are held at the Oyster Bay Community Center in Oyster Bay, N.Y. We sponsor two car shows each year with the proceeds going to charity, and attend numerous other shows and events throughout the calendar year.

Here is how it all began!

On September 4, 1997, a group of people, not satisfied with the car club scene as it affected them at the time, met to form a club that would appreciate all facets of the automotive hobby

Officers were elected, a constitution was drafted and efforts to incorporate were began. The first car show was held in 1997 at Habberstad Nissan in Huntington and the Gold Coast Cruisers came to life.

In March of 1998, the City of Glen Cove announced the plans "America Sail" to be held in July of that year. The event called for a car show as part of the program and they were looking for volunteers to help them put it together. The Gold Coast Cruisers accepted the challenge and thus began an association that has led us to what is arguably the premier show site on Long Island and one that we enjoy today. That first year the city asked for approximately 40 cars, We closed out advanced registrations at 140 cars and have grown every year since. The City of Glen Cove no longer presents the America Sail Festival. The Morgan Park Car show however, continues.

The Club also has a charitable side. Beginning in June of 1999, the club sponsored a series of shows benefiting IGHL. Each year since, we have used proceeds from our show to make contributions to other charities.

From that initial group of 10, our membership has grown to over 40 members. All of our time is not spent working. We enjoy our cars. We travel to car shows from Syracuse, NY in the north to Charlotte, NC in the south to Indianapolis, IN in the west - not to mention all of the local shows we attend each weekend. Our schedule includes social functions such as picnic, club trips, holiday parties, and our annual Morgan Park Car Show in Glen Cove, LI. Vehicle ownership is not a requirement for membership, but a love for cars is. Our roster of cars run from antiques to muscle cars to street rods and trucks. We have fun with cars whatever type they may be, which is the purpose of the club. We are always looking for new members!

For more information, please contact Fred Mestrandrea via email.

Club Contact info




© Gold Coast Cruisers 2016-2018